Friday, April 10, 2009

twirling around...and around...and down


The Walkers said...

Awe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that sweet little voice saying "Momma!" like, watch this new trick!

Carozza Family said...

That is a cool new move Karoline! Did you shack it off after the fall?

The Nelson Family said...

So cute! What a little girly girl! Also - My mom had a big Easter egg hunt at her house yesterday, so we used my bunco gift on her entryway mirror and it looked so good! She got a ton of compliments. I think I need to pick out something in white to go on my front door. So cute - I definitely want some more of that Uppercase Living stuff! Thank you!! I think I may be hooked now. :)

Jill said...


Allyson Petty said...

It's rough bein' a ballerina...

Jill said...

What a doll! I love the panting she was doing!

Julie said...

I love hearing her say "Momma", like "look at me"! Doesn't it just melt your heart to hear them say your name. So cute.