here is an update from jeffs caring bridge page. continue to keep him in your prayers. The surgery was a huge sucess!!!!! thanks for praying!!!!!
We are so relieved and grateful to God that Jeffrey's surgery went EVEN BETTER than the doctors expected possible!! They were able to remove between 90 and 95% of the tumor! We will not know the pathology report until Saturday at the earliest, but the amount that they were able to remove without permanently damaging Jeff's speech/ability to move is nothing short of a miracle. Praise God. Thank you all so much for your prayers today.
Robyn is with Jeff right now. Unfortunately, he is in a great deal of pain at the moment, but we are hopeful that he will be able to get some relief from that soon. During the surgery, Jeffrey was woken up and due to a reaction from the initial sedation, he couldn't be put completely back to sleep so stitching him up was particularly unpleasant for him.
Once they have the pathology of the tumor back they will determine whether or not radiation will be necessary. We are praying the it will be a grade 2 tumor. Please keep praying, but we are chalking today up as a major victory!
We are also so thankful to Dr. Meyer and the Neurosurgical Staff here at Mayo Clinic/St. Mary's Hospital. We have truly seen God work through them, and we are eternally grateful for their care of Jeffrey.
Once they have the pathology of the tumor back they will determine whether or not radiation will be necessary.
We are also so thankful to Dr. Meyer and the Neurosurgic

We are asking that you would please pray for Jeff McCoart. Jeff is a friend of Tony's...they played baseball together at OBU. He has a brain tumor. The tumor appears to be a low grade glioma...
probably a grade 2 with signs of transitioni ng to a grade 3. He has a 2 yr old little boy and his wife Robyn is 7 months pregnant with another boy.
You can read his caring bridge page for more info.
He is in surgery as I write this. Please take a minute and pray for Jeff, his doctors and his family.
thank you!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing. I will definitely be praying for their family and the surgeon. What a praise that everything has been moving so quickly at the Mayo Clinic.
I'm praying..
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