Monday, December 8, 2008

dancing in the bathtub!

Karoline loves to dance to All I want for Christmas is You. It is the funniest thing.


Nikki said...

oh my gosh!! hahah - her face when she hears it!~ she doesn't even hesitate -she pops right up and gets with it!! hhah - That is the cutest video ALIVE! lol

rachel said...

I agree with Nikki-that ist he cutest video ever! i love her little legs bouncing and that sweet giggle! she is precious! (and such good taste in music)

The Proctors said...

That is the cutest thing that I have seen!! The smile on her face when the song starts is priceless!

Julee said...

So stinking cute!! I love her sweet laugh!

Jill said...

LOVE IT!!! So funny, her eyes just popped when Mariah came on!!!! So, when are you going to enroll her in dance??? HA!!!

The Bells said...

That made me laugh out loud! It's like she heard the music and thought, "There's my cue!" Funny!

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

That is funny! She was right on cue with it too!

The Walkers said...

Super cute video!!!!!

Ashley said...

This is so cute!! She is precious. I love how when the song comes on she just lights up! Hope you and your family have a great Christmas!

Chris & Whitney said...

LOVE the video...although Chris did mention (as he watched it over my shoulder) that if she's still dancing naked online in a few years, you might need to talk with her! (only Chris White would say that!) She's too sweet!

Anonymous said...

I laugh harder everytime i watch it! hahaha this is too cute!
-aunt bitty

hannah said...

dayle! that is so funny! i love how she looks at you like, "is that what i think it is?" and then just jumps up! too cute!

The Nelson Family said...

How cute!!! She's a natural!

amy said...

LOL She is having a ball! That's funny. She had to be getting cold. ;)

erin elizabeth said...

Oh my gosh! I love it! So precious!!!! She would have fit in great in Flippin Perrin!!!