Sunday, August 19, 2007

Church Shower

I had a wonderful shower on Sunday hosted by Jacqueline, Lindsey, Carrie and Georgia. The decorations and cake were adorable. Karoline was completely spoiled. She got so many wonderful things.... I can't begin to thank everyone enough.


erin elizabeth said...

Yea you posted!!!! I'm so excited your shower went well! It looks so pretty! Can't wait to see what all you got!

Julie said...

That cake is so cute! I want some of it right now.....

The Nelson Family said...

What a good shower! You got some cute stuff, I must say. However, the cake was the best part for me! Today, I was thinking about how delicious that cake was and that I would like a piece now please! :)

The Walkers said...

Wow that cake is gorgeous!!! Where is that from? Looking forward to Saturday...

Anonymous said...

Dayle, You look great!! It won't be long now...BTW, that's the cutest cake I've ever seen!!

rachel said...

your shower looks like it was great!!! the cake is adorable--thanks for posting--you look great dayle!!! i wish i could see you in 'real life' -miss you!!!!

The Harringtons said...

Dayle you do look really great! I am so glad you got such a sweet shower! I will agree with everyone else though...the cake looks delicious!!!

Anonymous said...

YUMMO look at that cake! So when is your shower at work? I still havn't finished E's homemade gift yet...shhhhh! It may turn into a christmas gift.


Anonymous said...

It was a very nice shower. Are you having fun finding a place for all of Karoline's goodies?