Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mallories 4th birthday party

the birthday girl!

Mallorie and Cassie putting makeup on Melissa

Carly drinking her tea

the pregnant sister-in-laws!

Mallorie turned 4 the day after my birthday. They were in town visiting for a few weeks and had a fairytale tea party to celebrate. It was a really cute idea. Melissa and Mike are expecting another girl in December.


elaine said...

i can't believe mallory is already 4! the fairytale tea party is such a fun idea...too cute!

The Nelson Family said...

How much fun! I love that picture of Carly drinking her tea! How cute!

Bolding Fam said...

Girls, girls girls!!! What are the Carozza guys ever going to do with all these girls!! Cute pic of you and Melissa.

rachel said...

way cute--i love the tea party! :) look at my page when you get a were "tagged!" :) i know, you an thank me later! :)

erin elizabeth said...

See my blog you've been tagged!