Sunday, July 22, 2007

My birthday party!

Saturday my family took me out to eat for an early birthday celebration. We came home and ate birthday "cookie". You can't beat Olive Garden and a birthday cookie from Great American Cookie Company. Yum! We had a wonderful time. I love getting to spend time with my family. They are all so much fun! Love you guys and thanks so much for a wonderful birthday celebration.


Meg and Grant said...

Coshi! I love seeing you and your fam together!! Happy early b-day and remind me to tell you my cookie cake story later! Love you and miss you.

erin elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday a bit early! Can't wait to celebrate with you this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Dayle! I know I say this almost every time I comment, but your family seriously couldn't be any cuter.

Julie said...

Happy early birthday! I wish I could be there this weekend to celebrate with everyone. Miss you all. Have a wonderful day on Wednesday!!!

The Nelson Family said...

Happy Birthday Dayle! I'm glad you had so much fun celebrating with your family! I love birthday parties!

elaine said...

glad you had a great early celebration with the fam! wish i was there to celebrate with you over a mexicana lunch tomorrow! happy birthday!!!

The Proctors said...

Happy Birthday Dayle!