Thursday, December 3, 2009

We are having a BOY!!!!!!!!

Tonys brother Mike(thanks so much mike!) did an ultrasound for us during Thanksgiving. If you can't tell...we are having a BOY! We are so excited! Both sides of the family got to take a peek at our little guy. We are so lucky to be able to share the fun with everyone.

those are his legs and inbetween....well that tells us he is a boy! :)


Nitzia said...

congratulations!!! exciting times:)

barri said...

I love the new design!!

elaine said...

yay for baby BOY carozza...we are so excited for y'all! love the new look and can't wait to spoil your little "partridge" rotten;)

The Walkers said...

I hate it when people say this, but I knew it! I was totally thinking BOY!!! Congrats!

Jill said...

Soooo excited for you guys!!!! Congrats!

The Proctors said...

Boys are so much fun and LOVE their mommy's!! So excited for you guys!