For the past couple of years Erin has been having a cookie decorating party for her friends and kids. This year was no exception. I'm telling you she spares no expense! Check out the matching aprons she made the kids. She even gave the babies little onsies with gingerbread men on them. We had a great time decorating cookies, eating and visiting with friends. Erin, I'm lucky to have you as a friend. You are such a blessing to all of us. Thank you for all you do to make us feel special! We love you! As you can see in the pics Karoline LOVES her aunt erin!

anna beth and amber
my little cookie decorator. Okay well she actually ate way more icing than she used on cookies.
guess she got her mommas sweet tooth!
aunt erin and karoline
think she was taking a time out from all the fun. found her sitting like this on erins chair. so funny!
sydney and karoline giving anna beth (aka anna bef according to k)

allyson and sweet parker! don't you want to just squeeze that face
our little buddy..truett! sleeping through the party.

k loves her aunt erin! love this one of k looking at her.
when she got home she decided to eat the cookies...well the icing off the cookies she made for tony.
yummy! please excuse the lovely is well worn in!
guess she got her mommas sweet tooth!
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