Monday, January 26, 2009

I love this face!!!!!!


The Ward Family said...

how could you not! she's beautiful and i know that smile melts yours and tony's heart

rachel said...

oh my - i love it-you have to send that in to the beautiful baby contest---it is priceless!!! i can't wait to see her in a few months!

Allyson Petty said...

Me, too! I miss her!!!!!!!!

Allyson Petty said...

By the way, that is going to make such a cute picture one day in Parker and Karoline's wedding slideshow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Parkers said...

She is SO gorgeous! Seriously Dayle, you have one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen in my life! That is a framer for sure!

erin elizabeth said...

Oh I love that face too!!!!!

Jill said...

So sweet!!! What a cutie!

hannah said...

i love what allyson said! :)

she is a doll. she really is.

Nikki said...

ME TOO!!! i miss that face

Lindsey Cobb said...

That is a really great picture! She's so cute!

Julee said...

This is so freaking cute! Love the new header and blog background!!