Sunday, November 30, 2008

Taylor Elizabeth Stroud is here!

Taylor is here! 
born at 11:38am

she weighs 8pounds 1 ounce
and is 21 inches long

aunt nitty was here for taylors birth.  Some serious prayers were said so that she would be here for the birth. She flew out at 3:45pm.

waiting for the big announcement!

proud dad and grandad

isn't she adorable?!
so cute the stork even gave her a bite or two.  :)

Proud Grandma!
Don't you LOVE this hair!  so jealous!

grandmas giving some love!

Sassy time!
The proud parents!!

Aunt D!  She is already in love with me.  :) 
See we are already bonding.


rachel said...

yah! she is just beautiful!!!! so exciting!!!

The Ward Family said...

YAY!!! we are so better not be stealing all of Taylor's kisses ;)

The Walkers said...

Yea! She is beautiful and you did a great job on taking lots of pictures and posting so quickly! Congrats Jan and Jay!

Wayne and Geri said...

Please Congratulate Jan and Jay on there beautiful Taylor... and thanks for putting pics up so quick Dayle. lotsa love to you all

erin elizabeth said...

oh I'm so glad nik got to be there!!! So precious!! I can't wait to see her in person!

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

yay! So glad she is here safe and sound! Congrats to mom and dad!

elaine said...

way to be on top of the post and pics, aunt d! thanks for keeping me excited to meet the newest "cosh" girl!

Jill said...

She is just precious. Isn't being an aunt almost as great as being a mommy!!!! Congrats to your family!

Anonymous said...

I love her already! All Cosh girls are beautiful! Congrats to Jan and Jay :)


Nikki said...

take care of Taylor for me till i can get back and hold that bundle of love!! miss and love you