Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This was cracking me up!


Stroud said...

Okay...I'm laughing so hard that my stomach is hurting!! I don't think the poor K knew what was going on :)

Jill said...

LOL!!! The video is funny, but I think hearing you laugh made me laugh harder!!!! She is so stinkin' cute!

The Proctors said...

That is hilarious!!! The look on her face is like...what is going on! I love it!

Nikki said...

hahahah - i watched it with topher next to me and he keeps asking to watch it over and over again! its so funny!!

Carozza Family said...

We are so getting her a 4 wheeler for her birthday. That was so funny!

Anonymous said...

This is so funny! I am cracking up but I start to laugh harder when I hear your laugh :) !!
