Monday, September 15, 2008

11 month pics take 1


the osbornes said...

Haha, I love the progression! too cute. I can't believe the next set of pics will be one year!

Mike, Melissa, Mallorie, Cassie & Emorie said...

I cannot believe Karoline is 11 months already. She is precious! I can't wait to be able to see her as much as I want.
Emorie is terrified of the vacuum too.....must be a Carozza family trait!

Nikki said...

i love her!!! i can't believe she will be a year old NEXT MONTH! she looks so long in those pics! lol love and miss you guys! xo

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

too funny. she just doesn't understand what all the fuss is about with those pics? she is a cutie and she looks like she has grown a lot since i saw her last!

erin elizabeth said...

She's in constant motion! I can't wait for her b-day!!!

elaine said...

she is seriously the cutest! love the action shots;)