Tuesday, May 13, 2008

cute moments from the past few weeks

This one is my favorite.  I left the room for a few minutes and when I came back I found her sideways in her swing.  She was watching tv and looked up at me like "hey mom" and continued watching tv.  I just could stop laughing.  


rachel said...

what sweet pictures-i love the food ones with it all over her face! too sweet! i miss ya'll - come visit us in our new house!!! :) whooo hooo!

Anonymous said...

those pictures are freaking adorable! i love that she was watching tv all comfy haha what a hoot! ;)
-aunt bitty

Leslie said...


This is Leslie, Jill Brannon's sister. Just wanted you to know that I enjoy your blog and your little girl is PRECIOUS! What a natural beauty. :) The picture in the swing is so cute!

Nikki said...

ah! those are so cute, dayle!!!! i love the top pic - that is a sweet goat-T! ;)

Julie said...

She is growing so fast! Isn't it crazy how much they change each month. I wish we could see you guys soon. I would love for Karoline and Aiden to play together.

The Bertram's said...

Dayle - she is tooo cute. I love the one of her in her swing - she was proud of herself.