Well...I have always said "
july 25
th is the most perfect day ever"....I was born on the 25
th...enough said. :)
Today was another great birthday. I turned the big 28 today. It sounded really old to me too.
Tony and I were both able to take the day off. It actually worked out great b/c we were able to spend some time together that we otherwise wouldn't have been able to. He had to have an Upper GI done to check for ulcers in his stomach. They happened to have a cancellation for today so guess where we spent my birthday morning. I highly recommend this as a very enjoyable way to spend your birthday... I am not kidding. I think I had more fun listening to the funny things Tony said while he was on medication. I only wish I could remember everything he said. Now had he not had good results it could have been a very depressing Birthday...luckily I was able to enjoy it! Mom and Dad came by the hospital to sit with me but the procedure was so quick that I was already back with Tony by the time they got there. They went and picked up some Chick-
fil-a and met us at the house.
Tony ended up going to bed pretty much right after we got home and I went on to Doodle Works(paint your own pottery) with my 8
th grade SS class. Tamara and Ridge joined us for some of the time. They surprised me with a birthday cake. It was really thoughtful. I decorated a light switch cover for
karolines room so we will have to see how it turns out.
I got completely spoiled with phone calls, email, cards and gifts, and even a homemade cheesecake(thanks bar...you know what i like). I am so blessed so have such wonderful family and friends. Till next july 25th rolls around..."peace out...later dude"(a quote from my drugged up husband yesterday before his procedure)