Sunday, June 24, 2007

More Pictures of Karolines Room

Well we got a lot done this weekend. There are a few more projects on our list but the major stuff is done. Now I can just put my mind to the fun stuff...decorating the room, etc..
Here are a few more pictures with some of the furniture and bedding in place. The colors are a lot brighter in these photos for some reason. I promise we aren't trying to blind her the second she enters her room for the first time.


Julie said...

I love the room! I feel like y'all are so far ahead of us! I'm such a procrastinator. The bedding will hopefully be here in 3 weeks when my parents come. I still have 10 weeks so I can't flip out just yet! Karoline will love her room. It's so bright and cheerful. I just love it.

Anonymous said...

I love the bedding! The room is so cute.

erin elizabeth said...

Tony did such a great job painint! And as someone with a first hand look, it was even more beautiful in person!

erin elizabeth said...

Sorry it's a monday I meant painting!

rachel said...

i love the room--everything looks great--the chair is awesome!!!

A.B. said...

DC! I love it! You guys are so talented! I want to come see it in person ASAP!!!

Jill said...

Too cute!!! I love the colors & Karoline will have so much fun playing in there! I can't wait to see what wonderful decorations you add!!!

The Proctors said...

So cute!! You are definitely way ahead of me considering my toddler is still in the nursery! I love the colors...very girly!! I can't wait to see the final pictures!

Anonymous said...

I love what you've done! Very cute!

Nitzia said...

I just love the bedding Dayle!!! good job with the chair too... everything goes together just perfect, pink and greens are so cute... can't wait to see the art you will paint :)

The Walkers said...

Beautiful- of course!!! I love how colorful everything is already! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Those colors look so pretty! You all are on the ball. Have fun decorating.

Amber said...

How exciting! The room colors, bedding, & chair look so cute & girly! Karoline will love it and it looks like she will enjoy it even as she gets older too! It's amazing how fast pregnancy goes once you are half-way! Can't wait to see the decorations added!

elaine said...

everything looks so good! i know when you add your artwork and other finishing touches it will be amazing! karoline is gonna love it! will misses his aunt dayle and can't wait to see you again! (and so do i!) love you!