Friday, May 4, 2007

IT'S A.........

IT'S A GIRL! or what appears so far to be a girl.
Today Tony and I went to see David Nelson, who was nice enough to do an ultrasound so we could finally find out what we are having!! Of course he couldn't be 100% sure but didn't see anything that appeared to be a boy. We have our next ultrasound at my doctors office in 2 weeks. Guess we will know for sure then.


A.B. said...

Dayle & Tony, I am so excited! I have to say that I picked this one! Yea!!! Princess Carozza is on her way!!! Love you! Am

Jill said...

Yeah Dayle!! You will have so much fun decorating the nursery...I'm so excited for you guys!!

Julie said...

I was right! Erin got her wish. I'm so excited for you guys. I can't wait until your next ultrasound so you can be 100% sure. I also can't wait to hear what names you pick out. Now can you share with me those boy names you had picked out?????

danarv said...

HAA! I'm so happy for you!

The Walkers said...

Yea!!!! I can't wait to see pictures of the newest Princess on the block!

The Proctors said...

That is so exciting!!! I can't wait to see what you do in the nursery. I'm excited because our girls will be so close together! It will be so fun!

The Nelson Family said...

Congratulations Dayle & Tony! A girl! How much fun! David was glad to do an US for you guys. (I hope he was right -- he's going to feel really bad if your "big" US shows a boy in a couple of weeks!)-- And thanks so much for the name tags! They are too cute!

rachel said...

whooo hoooo!!!! we are so excited for ya'll! she is going to be the CUTEST BABY EVER!!!

Anonymous said...

A GIRL! Glad you could find out a little something! And it can be confirmed in just a short while. Now you get to start practicing saying girl names. Fun! Your nursery is going to look fabulous.