IT'S A GIRL! or what appears so far to be a girl.
Today Tony and I went to see David Nelson, who was nice enough to do an ultrasound so we could finally find out what we are having!! Of course he couldn't be 100% sure but didn't see anything that appeared to be a boy. We have our next ultrasound at my doctors office in 2 weeks. Guess we will know for sure then.
March 8, 2025
18 hours ago
Dayle & Tony, I am so excited! I have to say that I picked this one! Yea!!! Princess Carozza is on her way!!! Love you! Am
Yeah Dayle!! You will have so much fun decorating the nursery...I'm so excited for you guys!!
I was right! Erin got her wish. I'm so excited for you guys. I can't wait until your next ultrasound so you can be 100% sure. I also can't wait to hear what names you pick out. Now can you share with me those boy names you had picked out?????
HAA! I'm so happy for you!
Yea!!!! I can't wait to see pictures of the newest Princess on the block!
That is so exciting!!! I can't wait to see what you do in the nursery. I'm excited because our girls will be so close together! It will be so fun!
Congratulations Dayle & Tony! A girl! How much fun! David was glad to do an US for you guys. (I hope he was right -- he's going to feel really bad if your "big" US shows a boy in a couple of weeks!)-- And thanks so much for the name tags! They are too cute!
whooo hoooo!!!! we are so excited for ya'll! she is going to be the CUTEST BABY EVER!!!
A GIRL! Glad you could find out a little something! And it can be confirmed in just a short while. Now you get to start practicing saying girl names. Fun! Your nursery is going to look fabulous.
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