Saturday, December 5, 2009

decorating and dancing

We had fun dancing to Christmas music and decorating our tree last weekend. Karoline walks in every day and asks to turn the tree lights on and says "ooohh pretty" she loves having it in the house. Having a two year old during the holidays just makes everything so "merry". I LOVE IT! We have enjoyed getting into the spirit and learning more about "baby jesus" and of course "sanda"( k's words). We are so blessed to have her in our life!!!!! What a JOY!

tony is going to kill me for posting the video of him below but it is too precious not to!
sorry it is sideways.


The Bells said...

Cute cute video! Don't I remember her loving that song last year, too? Too funny!

Wayne and Geri said...

Way to cute thanks for putting that up....tell tony hes a great dancer

Chris & Whitney said...

Love the video! Daddies and their daughters are just so precious! Hope you're feeling well with Baby #2 on the way!