Monday, October 12, 2009

guess what!?!?!?

Karoline is going to be a big sister! I'm due May 13th! this is the first pic of our little one! :)


Rob Dennie said...

How exciting! You have made my day-I love pregnant people.

The Bost Family said...

Congratulations!! We are so excited for you and your family!
Mary, Jonathan and Lucy

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

yay! been wondering when a new baby would be on the way!! congrats!

Nina said...

CONGRATS!!!! So excited for you guys!!

Nitzia said...

congratulations Dayle!!! that is great news:) hope you have a nice pleasant pregnancy.
and i just enlarged the pic of the table with goodies and saw that the big ball is a bunch of suckers... how cool is that, you have to tell me where you get all your ideas:)

Chris said...

Congrats. I'm so happy for you & I know the new baby will be a huge blessing for everyone. We miss y'all & hope to see you soon.

rachel said...

whoooo hooooo!!!! FINALLY! :) just teasing! so exciting!

amy said...

That's wonderful!! May is a great time to have a baby. Nice when the weather is warm and sicknesses are gone! ;) Hope you are doing well Dayle and that the baby is good and healthy!

Jill said...

YAY! Congrats!!!

The Williams said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys! Karoline will be a great big sister!

The Walkers said...

Love the new blog background and we couldn't be happier for you guys!!!

Kristen said...

Congrats Dayle!!! =) That's so exciting!

The Parkers said...

That is so exciting!! Congrats!!!!

Julie said...

Yay! Now that I posted something I can write that I'm so excited we are going through our pregnancies together again!!! This time our babies might be born on the same day! Miss you!

The Bells said...

Congrats, Dayle! So exciting! Hope you are feeling well. Haven't seen you in forever...we need to get all the kiddos together with the Petty's soon.

eth said...

Congrats! This is so exciting!!!!!

The Proctors said...

Yay!! So excited for you and Tony! Karoline will be a great big sister!