Friday, April 11, 2008

Happy Half Birthday Karoline!

another exciting photo shoot! :) wrestling the bear!

We can't believe Karoline is 6 months old. Everyone always says "TIME FLIES". I never knew how true those words were until we had a kid. These have been the fastest, most incredible months of our lives. God has truly blessed us with amazing child and a wonderful experience this far. We love you Karoline Taylor and thank God for you daily!!!!


Anonymous said...

im thankful for such a beautiful sweet lil niece! i love her so much you and tony are the best parents dayle, love yall!
-aunty bitty

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

she is so cute wrestling that bear!

Nikki said...

Dayle- i love the pics- she really looks so LONG in those pics!!! She really is the sweetest baby in the world and you and tony are great parents!! i love yall!!

Anonymous said...

She looks so sweet in these pictures!! I miss you,

Jill said...

What a sweet & precious little one! I know you are having soooo much fun with her!!! I can't wait to hear how the flight to NY went...we're going to Chicago next month, and I'm a little nervous! :)

The Walkers said...

She is so cute and I love that her personality comes out in pictures!!!

Amber said...

She is adorable! What great pictures.

Julie said...

You are definitely right about not knowing how time can fly by until you have children. It was so good talking to you today. Just wish we lived closer so Aiden and Karoline could play. Miss you!