Monday, May 24, 2010

first 2 weeks with brock


Allyson Petty said...

Finally some pictures! He truly is a beautiful baby! and K is gorgeous as always!!

The Walkers said...

He is SO beautiful and I love the pic of K with the passy in her mouth- upside down :). Oh gotta love a proud big sister!!!

amy said...

YOU GUYS!! He is so cute! Does it feel strange to have a tiny baby again? I bet it all came back to you quickly. Karoline looks like she enjoys to cuddle with him.

Nitzia said...

you have two super cute babies! I can see Karoline will be your big helper, she is so sweet with her baby brother. I love the pic of Brock in the changing table.... looks so tiny and cute. Congrats, you have a beautiful family!