Monday, November 9, 2009

baby carozza 13 weeks

I had a doctors apt today. We were supposed to hear the heartbeat so Tony and Karoline came along. Baby Carozza wasn't cooperating...Dr. Wiedower wasn't concerned but she decided to do another ultrasound. It was so fun! Karoline thought it was really neat to see the baby in my tummy...i know she couldn't really see much but she was saying..."momma baby". She thinks these are two pics. Top one is mommas baby. bottom one is her baby. so cute!
i got a little video of her talking about it. The pics below are a little wrinkled thanks to big sister. :)


Brittany McClain said...

Those are the sweetest videos ever!! I love it!

Jill said...

So sweet! When do you find out what you are having??

Wayne and Geri said...

Ahh way too cute, she really talks so well. lotsa love xxx

The Walkers said...

OK that is so sweet!!! I am voting boy this time...

erin elizabeth said...

Yea, i'm glad everything is going good and the videos are precious!!!