Monday, November 23, 2009

Emmies 2nd birthday!

Emorie turned two this week and we went to her Abby Cadabby birthday party. So much fun having all the cuzzies close again! Aren't they all so adorable!

Monday, November 9, 2009

baby carozza 13 weeks

I had a doctors apt today. We were supposed to hear the heartbeat so Tony and Karoline came along. Baby Carozza wasn't cooperating...Dr. Wiedower wasn't concerned but she decided to do another ultrasound. It was so fun! Karoline thought it was really neat to see the baby in my tummy...i know she couldn't really see much but she was saying..."momma baby". She thinks these are two pics. Top one is mommas baby. bottom one is her baby. so cute!
i got a little video of her talking about it. The pics below are a little wrinkled thanks to big sister. :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Dora and my boots

karoline loves dora the explorer. So as you can see she wanted to wear this backpack aka "pack pack" like Dora..and the boots are like Boots the monkey. The bottom video is of her doing the dora dance. It is so funny to see the things she picks up on. One of her new favorite words is sticky tape aka "sticky take" she learned that on Dora.

the forward roll

Thursday, November 5, 2009

my big girl!

Well a lot seems to have happened lately and i've been horrible about blogging about it.
SO... i decided to post this for memories sake. Karoline has been potty trained since about 22 months. She basically did it herself and i'm so proud. That is not to say we haven't had a few accidents(most of them my fault.. i will admit)... but overall she is amazing.
She has also been in her toddler "big girl bed" for about a month or so. She has only fallen out or crawled out and slept on the floor once and climbed out and walked into the wall once. haha
She pretty much waits till i come to get her. Guess she forgets she isn't in her crib anymore.
So i'm hoping this transition will help when we move her to a real big girl bed in a few months. need to free up this crib. :)

happy birthday granna

Tony's mom had a birthday this past weekend so all the carozzas gathered to celebrate. Always fun to be together!

halloween with our little fairy/princess

The wonder place did a Halloween event the week before halloween. We took karoline and she decided to be a princess b/c her pink poodle outfit was "ouchy" couldn't convince her otherwise so she chose this adorable princess dress she got from mallorie, cassie and emmie for her birthday.
the wonder place was a always. this was tonys first time to get to go. haha

this is karoline trying to scare tony in the mask she made at the wonder place.

On Halloween Jan and Jay brought Taylor out to see everyone dressed up as an adorable bumble bee fairy. I woke karoline up from a very short nap so she wasn't really wanting to dress up and show her outfit off to everyone. Once again the poodle was "ouchy" and she didn't want to wear anything. After some convincing she chose to wear the fairy outfit that aunt b and unkie got her for her bday. Once she woke up a bit she had a blast....well untill the saftey pin stabbed her in the back. oops! should have thought that through...kinda made the ouchy poodle not seem so bad.

little small he couldn't wear a costume. just came as baby jesus...that was justins idea.

parker petty the adorable dinosaur

this is my bunko group. we had a halloween theme bunko. fun to dress up.