Thursday, June 18, 2009

GOING PRIVATE!!!!!!! please read!

hey everyone!!!!  okay...i've been reading several people's blogs who have decided to go private.  I've been thinking about it for a long time and just feel like it is time to do so.  The world is full of a lot of sick people.  I don't want my precious child to be in harms way because i want to blog about her.  I love blogging mainly b/c i want to keep up with all the little things that are going on in our lives and actually remember them as time passes.  I MAINLY blog so that my family far away can keep up with karoline.  I want them to feel like we are a part of their lives.  So...if you are a reader of this blog and would like to continue.. please email me at

I will need you to send me your email address to use as your log in.
even if i have your address please send it so i make sure i don't miss  anyone.

this will take place in the next week or two.


hannah said...

hey! i'm going to email you so you can add me if you have room. also, i figured out a way to add only one email that several people who don't have blogger accounts can use to log in. that way they don't have to get accounts...and they won't take up many of the 100 spots. anyway, i'll email you. sorry this was so long :)

The Walkers said...

NO!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been wondering about this too. I really like Hannah's idea because I have heard you will only get 100 accounts. Please learn all you can and maybe I will follow suit. Oh, and of course add me please :)

Nitzia said...

now that you are going privite too is reassuring me that i have to do it too! i'll email you:)

Amy, David, Caroline, Corbin and Cohen said...

Would love to be added, found your sweet Karoline through a friend's blog

Corbin said...

Add me too Dayle!!