Monday, June 8, 2009

19 month pics of Karoline by grant

here are just a few of the fabulous pictures that grant harrison took of k. I couldn't have asked for anything better. I love them! click on his name and check out his site.


rachel said...

those are the best pictures ever!!! i love them!!! way to go grant..he is so talented..
ok-random question but how do you make a link out of someone's name?

Julee said...

These are GREAT!! Grant is such a good photographer. I love her dress... its so precious! I still can't get over how beautiful she is!!

The Ward Family said...

She is so beautiful! Those pictures are incredible!

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

he does great work! i have looked at his website before too. she is getting so big! those are great pictures!

the osbornes said...

these are adorable! Where were they taken? I love the red door

The Walkers said...

Yay! I finally had a chance to look at them- wonderful! My favorite was #77 of her and the little flower.

Lindsey Cobb said...

She is such a cutie! These are really great pictures!

cosh said...

What a precious darling child! I am so proud to be her Sassa!

Kara Oosterhous said...

She is a beauty! I think she looks like you. They grow way too fast don't they?! Such a cutiepie and cute dresser!

erin elizabeth said...

Seriously, could she be any cuter!?!?!?!?

Terry Lewallen said...

Wow!!!! These are sooo good. Can't believe 19 months already. That Karoline is a doll.

amy (metz) walker said...


I'm not sure you'd remember me...I was in your sister's pledge class at OBU but transferred out mid-sophomore year. Anyway, just ran across your blog today and wanted to tell you that your little girl is ABSOLUTELY precious! I love these pictures of your family and you look beautiful as ever!

Since you're going private, best of luck with everything!