Monday, March 9, 2009

loving the weather!

*please excuse the sidewalk chalk and yogurt on k's face and clothes.  

We had a great day playing outside, going on a walk, falling out of the stroller, tripping going into the playhouse...just a typical day for us.  Of course we ended it with a slipping in the bathtub tonight.  All in all we had a great day!  We are loving this weather and taking advantage of every second we can!  Karoline is at such a fun stage.  She is developing such a great sense of humor.  It is so fun to watch her show it off.  


Ashley said...

I love that bottom picture..just sittin' on the porch! Karoline is so pretty!

Carozza Family said...

I am absolute smiling ear to ear looking at this precious picture of my niece!! I can't wait to see her this weekend.

Jill said...

I can't believe how big Karoline has gotten! She's beautiful!