Thursday, October 11, 2007


Hey guys it's Aunt Erin for Dayle and Tony. Here are pics of 7lbs 3oz Baby Karoline, we don't have all the info on length yet, but pictures are worth 1000 words! Precious!!!!!


rachel said...

she is beautiful!!!! yah!!!! congratulations!! can't wait to meet her!

elaine said...

YAY!!! congrats tony and dayle! she is absolutlely glad everything went well...what a precious family!!! love you!

and shout out to aunt erin for getting the pics posted so soon! that'll tide me over til i can meet her in person!

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

Yay! Congrats to you!! She looks so cute with her little face!
way to get pics up! I kept checking thinking you should be due anyday!

Anonymous said...


She's precious! I was 7 lbs, 3 ounces, too. (I know, hard to believe for a twin.)

Meg and Grant said...

Oh Dayle! Congratulations! She's finally here!! She's an angel!

danarv said...

She IS beautiful!! I'm so happy for you all!

Love you ;)

The Proctors said...

Congratulations!! She is so precious! Can't wait to meet her!

Anonymous said...

I love her!! Congratulations! Can't wait to meet her this weekend! Love, Jen

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Dayle and Tony!! We are so excited for you! Love, Jason, Scarlett, and Bowden

Amber said...

What a beautiful baby! She is precious and we can't wait to meet her!

The Walkers said...

I got to see her BEAUTIFUL face this afternoon, and she is perfect!!!!! She is so gorgeous and looks like Tony :) in my opinion. Funny- one of the nurses thought I was a Cosh sister when I was walking out. I take it as a great compliment!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dayle and Tony. Karoline is finally here - went in as soon as we woke this morning to see our new cousin. Wish we could be closer to hold her tight!! Can't wait to see more pics of her.

Love you lots - SA Cosh's

The Temletts said...

Oh my word, guys. She is soooo cute! Well done. You are going to make the most wonderful parents. We wish we were there to meet her and revel in the celebrations. Love you loads. The Temletts

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful!

Shelly, OTA in training said...

Yay! Congratulations! I hope everything went well and I can't wait to see her. She looks adorable. I'll be looking for more pictures...

Meredith said...

Congratulations guys! Can't wait to see more pics.

Anonymous said...

YEA! She's here! What a doll. We can't wait to meet her and hope you all are getting settled.

The Bishop family said...

We are so excited for all of you and would so love to be there to share in all the joy and excitement. Congrats to all of you. We love you all so much and are thrilled to welcome Karoline to this huge family. She is so beautiful, especially with her bow on!

The whole Bishop family