Tuesday, October 30, 2007

hanging out so mom can post!

thought these pics were funny! wish you could see how funny she looks in my lap while i'm trying to post these pics on the blog. she is totally out for the count. she has a rough life! heaven forbid i put her down for five minutes!

First "REAL" bath!

Well yesterday I attempted to give Karoline her first "real" bath. Now that her belly button is looking normal I thought I would give it a try. She doesn't mind having her hair washed. She just gets fed up at the end of the whole event and starts throwing a fit so i know to hurry it on up. Let me tell you... this child has some lungs!

family fun!

This past weekend we were lucky enough to have several family members come visit! Aunt Margot and mom stayed with us friday night and tony's grandmother, aunt, cousin, and parents came to visit on saturday! It was great seeing everyone!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

2 weeks old!

okay i want to say i'm sorry for being horrible about posting pics on the blog. I just can't believe how fast time has gone by already. Karoline is wonderful and doing great. Tony and I are loving every minute. Well besides for a few fits she threw at her drs apt on monday...she was an angel at mine today so we forgive her. :) Here are a few pics from yesterday and today. Hope you enjoy.

Karoline checking out her bouncy seat so i can finally work on the blog!
Not sure what to think about it!
Wiped out! Rough life!
Dr. Wiedower with Karoline! I highly recommend her!!!!!!!
Taking our pic with Dr. Wiedower.
just hanging out! the many faces of karoline!
hanging with dad!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ok, sorry it took me so long.....

My apologies to Brit, all the SA family, Mike & Melissa, Marc & Ash, Elaine, and everyone else who has been checking the blog for a new post! Here are some more pictures as promised (better late than never right Elaine?)!
--Aunt Erin

Friday, October 12, 2007

Here's the stats

A precious 7lbs 3oz
A perfect 20in
A precise 1:51p.m.

Not that I'm biased but Karoline is PERFECT! More pics to come this afternoon.

--Aunt Erin

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Hey guys it's Aunt Erin for Dayle and Tony. Here are pics of 7lbs 3oz Baby Karoline, we don't have all the info on length yet, but pictures are worth 1000 words! Precious!!!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

10 yr reunion!

Man am I old that I'm posting about my 10 yr reunion. It was this past weekend. It was fun getting to see a lot of my friends. Jill, Tara(& Lillian), Bethany(& Georgia) Steph(& Jack) and I got together Sat afternoon. They had a little baby shower for Karoline. I love getting together with them. It is like we don't even skip a beat...we just pick up where we left off. Fun Times! Thanks again girls for a wonderful day!