Well we went to Arkadelphia yesterday b/c Mike(Tony's oldest brother who is an OB/GYN) was in town for the week filling in for another doctor. We went to eat with Tony's parents, Mike, Marc & Ashley and their 2 kiddos. While we were there Mike said we could do an ultrasound at the clinic. So we called mom, dad, nik and britt. They all got to see the ultrasound. It's still a GIRL! She was being awfully modest though and wouldn't spread her legs. She actually had them crossed most of the time. But he got one shot that confirmed our first ultrasound. Mike even let everyone try out doing the ultrasound..it was really fun.
THIS AFTERNOON...We had our OFFICIAL scheduled ultrasound and once again she uncrossed her legs long enough for us to confirm it is a GIRL. :) The ultrasound was incredible so much clearer than the other ones we have had. We got the sweetest profile pics. Looks like she might already be a thumb sucker. Guess we better start saving for braces. :)
The name we have pretty much decided on is Karoline Taylor Carozza.