Wednesday, March 21, 2007

St. Patricks Day/March bday party 2007


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sharron, Tony, and Jay! St Patty's was a blast thanks for the invite!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh again that was me!


Anonymous said...

Stealing my pictas huh?! haha love you!

Anonymous said...

Dale- Congrats on the little baby on the way. I'm so excited for you and Tony. I'm sure your family is not excited or anything especially your mom :) I go to Central AR Clinic also so maybe I'll see you in there before it's all over. Hope you're feeling ok, all the pics are great. Kelly Reddin

Anonymous said...

hey dayle and tony, thought id leave a comment all the way from South Africa, so excited to see all those pics!! so wish i could be there for all this fun!! i miss you guys!

love always!
Stace Milne