Thursday, December 31, 2009

random post christmas pics

our little princess

giving daddy a big hug

trying on the batting helmet...backwards. she loves to play baseball with tony. Brock better watch out b/c his big sister just might be better than him one day!

Christmas with the Cosh Family and the Carozza Family

headed to arkadelphia..playing peek-a-boo...a favorite game

christmas with the Cosh family

checking out her stocking at sassa and papas house

checking out the new kitchen at sassa and papas


telling aunt b thank you for the grocery cart and tinkerbell movie
she looks like a little ice skater in her leggings. the skirt she had on was taken off pretty quick.

truett my little russian

Christmas with the Carozza family

carly and karoline

laughing at carson falling down.

cassie and k

cassie karoline and carson

carson tackling cassie

the kids playing football with the big boys.

Christmas Eve and part of Christmas morning.

Christmas eve day we spent making cookies in our pajamas and just enjoying each others company. Karoline LOVED making, decorating and eating the cookies. She picked out special ones for santa. We saved a star cookie and sang happy birthday to jesus. It is precious to hear her sweet voice sing.

you just have to lick the part.

happy birthday Jesus!

cookies for santa

putting out food for the reindeer.

The note we left santa. I wrote what and where she told me to . it says... Presents Karoline Karoline Karoline Karoline Karoline. Santa Claus Santa Claus Santa Claus. and then she drew a pic of santa. :)

checking out her stocking and new kitchen

opening a few presents before heading to arkadelphia. Tony even made homemade biscuits for breakfast before we hit the road.

when will i learn to hold the camera the right direction for videos.

obu girls christmas party

Our College girls had a Christmas get together with kids. Somehow I only took these two pics. Jen, Meg and Scarlett were all in town. It is always fun when we get together...crazy with kids but fun. Love you girls and your sweet kiddos!!!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

joseph and his amazing technicolor dreamcoat

Dad treated all his girls to joseph and his amazing technicolor dreamcoat last night at the rep. He took mom on their first date to see this and wanted to share the experience with us. Isn't that cute! Thanks dad! we had a great time.

Say Cheese!

We were on the way to arkadelphia sunday and i gave k a cheese cracker. She picked out all the cheese from the middle making a huge mess. We hear her in the back saying "say cheese".
This is what i look back to see her doing. Taking pics with her crackers.

pics with nanny!

this past weekend we got to see tonys grandmother along with several other members of his family. we don't get to see them often so we jumped at the opportunity. Tonys cousin is having a baby and mike did an ultrasound for her.
I wanted Karoline to spend time with them so i didn't make her take a nap. Probably not the best move. If you can't tell from the pics...she had a melt down.

Nanny, I know you will read this. Just wanted to tell you that we loved getting to see you guys. We miss you and need to do this more often. Love you!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Aunt Erins Cookie Party!

For the past couple of years Erin has been having a cookie decorating party for her friends and kids. This year was no exception. I'm telling you she spares no expense! Check out the matching aprons she made the kids. She even gave the babies little onsies with gingerbread men on them. We had a great time decorating cookies, eating and visiting with friends. Erin, I'm lucky to have you as a friend. You are such a blessing to all of us. Thank you for all you do to make us feel special! We love you! As you can see in the pics Karoline LOVES her aunt erin!

anna beth and amber

my little cookie decorator. Okay well she actually ate way more icing than she used on cookies.
guess she got her mommas sweet tooth!

aunt erin and karoline

think she was taking a time out from all the fun. found her sitting like this on erins chair. so funny!

sydney and karoline giving anna beth (aka anna bef according to k)

allyson and sweet parker! don't you want to just squeeze that face

our little buddy..truett! sleeping through the party.

k loves her aunt erin! love this one of k looking at her.

when she got home she decided to eat the cookies...well the icing off the cookies she made for tony.
yummy! please excuse the lovely is well worn in!