Monday, July 28, 2008


These pics are from the weekend before last in Texarkana. Carly and Carson have gotten so big. Karoline loved playing with them.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Believe it or not i deleted it twice.

check the friends list to make sure you made it. i'm sure i've forgotten someone.
i had it all fixed up again and it wouldn't save.  i started it last night and left the computer.
i thought if i had entered them they were saved.  didn't know i needed to push save. ahhhhh
 i could pull my hair out. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


i'm so sad i lost all my links.  
y'all need to post on here so i can find you again. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Pigtails! too cute!

i found some smaller ponytail holders today so i couldn't resist trying them out. poor baby doesn't have enough hair but i thought it was too cute!!!!!

fun with friends

Julie and Aiden were in town so Erin was kind enough to let us all invade her house and hang out. It was wild and crazy but so much fun! We missed our out of town girls!

Karoline, Aiden, Sydney, Maddox, and Addison

sydney and her snazzy glasses!

Karoline and Aiden deciding who gets the lid. easily entertained
julie and i trying to take a pic...our kiddos wanting to stick with their own moms

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

9 month appointment

Karoline had her 9 month appointment yesterday.  She weighs 17 pounds, 10 ounces and is 27 1/4 inches tall.  She didn't have any shots this time so it wasn't too bad at all.  
She is at such a fun age.  It seems like she does something new every day.  
Here are some things she has been up to over the past month or so:
• crawling and getting into everything
• she discovered the stairs and can climb them very quickly
• clapping
• pulling up on everything and cruising along furniture and walls
• eating lots of new table foods...pretty much loves everything except for baby food meat..and i don't blame her. 
• she has only one little tooth on the bottom but it gets the job done.
• babbling a lot more.  "dada" is mixed in there some 
• she loves the pool and is darker than both of us
• she loves books which is an answered prayer b/c i am not a book lover.

I could go on forever...she is just so much fun and we love every second with her.  Best 9 months of my life!

Monday, July 14, 2008

baby doll

giving her baby some love

Mom and Dad made it back from their trip to South Africa and the mission trip to Zimbabwe. They had a wonderful time but we are so happy to have them home. Karoline was spoiled as usual by papa and sassy. One of her gifts was this cute african doll. She loves it and has been playing with it all morning. Only problem is she likes to grab it by its hair and shake it around... the poor doll is going to need a hair transplant after K gets done with her.

Friday, July 11, 2008

9 month pics

I took these right after her nap...she might look a little sleepy.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

pretty in pink

eating a papa johns bread stick. thumbs up!!

4th of July

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

just some cute pics!

Fun at the Park!

Not sure...but we might have enjoyed it more than the kids!