Tuesday, May 26, 2009

memorial day!

catch up!


i love ice cream!

karolines very own baby doll!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

play date!

avery, parker, will, karoline & elle

jan and taylor

meeting parker

I took Karoline to see Parker at the hospital yesterday.  She has been talking to and kissing parker in allysons tummy already so we thought she might want to meet him finally.  I took her to the gift shop to pick out a stuffed animal to take to him.  After MUCH looking/playing and indecisiveness she decided upon this cute little dog.  I was very impressed that she decided it would be okay to leave it with parker.  
Karoline LOVES allyson.  Allyson kept Karoline last summer and they bonded for sure.  When Allyson was holding parker she got a bit jealous.  So when I was holding Parker she made sure she was sitting up in bed with allyson.  
Tony and Phillip have been friends forever...they grew up together.  They used to be neighbors and now we all live in the same neighborhood again.  So fun that now Karoline and Parker will grow up playing together.  
Phillip sent these cute pics from our visit!

she isn't bleeding in this pic... these are fruit snacks that phillip gave her. :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary Tony!! Today is our 6 year wedding anniversary. Time has just flown by and I have loved every second of it. I am lucky to be married to the most amazing guy. I really never dreamed that I would find someone so perfect for me in EVERY way. God has blessed us so much over the past years. I can't wait to see what we have in store for the future.

Friday, May 15, 2009

8 things

Allyson Petty and Emily Merryman both tagged me in this so i better try.  I'm super boring so this probably will be hard for me to finish.  
Here are the rules:

  • Mention the person that tagged you
  • complete the list of 8 things
  • tag 8 of your blogger friends
  • tell them you tagged them

Eight Things I look forward to:

• Watching Karoline grow up

• having more children

• Weekends and days off

• Spending time with my family

• Hanging out with my friends

• 4:00 on work days

• Tony getting home on work days

• Seeing K after i've been away from her or after naps.

Eight Things I did yesterday

• Went to work

• Picked up K from Tamaras

• Went walking with Allyson and K

• Sat and talked with Allyson

• went to Chick-fil-A for dinner

• sent pics to snapfish for my mom

• looked for jobs for britt and dill

• talked on the phone and facebooked

Eight Things I wish I could do

• eat anything I want and not gain weight

• enjoy cleaning

• love to work out

• travel wherever whenever i want

• live in the same town as all my family

• visit south africa again SOON

• wear flip flops year round (okay i kinda do)

• look good in a bathing suit

Eight Shows I watch

• Survivor

• Amazing Race

•Today Show

• Office

• Brothers & Sisters

• CSI 


• Without a Trace 

I tag:

Barri Bridges(thought you need something to do for your first blog post), Geri Warburg, Nicola Mason, Ashley Carozza, Jennifer Burks(you DEFINITELY need something to post about and get your blog up and running again), Melissa Carozza, Erin Parker, Megan Bennett

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


We have been trying to get Karoline to say her name. I would say Karo-Line  well I guess she was hearing Karo LION but she started roaring.  We have been cracking up at this and I finally was able to get it recorded.  

mothers day weekend

Britt and Dillons graduation

OBU graduation.  we were lucky the rain held off.  it was beautiful outside and great for the kiddos.
hugging taylor to death!

cosh girls minus britt

checking out the tiger.

the graduates!

britt, allison, mallory, andrea

giving papa the crazy eye. 
dillons family

our family minus jay