Karoline had her 9 month appointment yesterday. She weighs 17 pounds, 10 ounces and is 27 1/4 inches tall. She didn't have any shots this time so it wasn't too bad at all.
She is at such a fun age. It seems like she does something new every day.
Here are some things she has been up to over the past month or so:
• crawling and getting into everything
• she discovered the stairs and can climb them very quickly
• clapping
• pulling up on everything and cruising along furniture and walls
• eating lots of new table foods...pretty much loves everything except for baby food meat..and i don't blame her.
• she has only one little tooth on the bottom but it gets the job done.
• babbling a lot more. "dada" is mixed in there some
• she loves the pool and is darker than both of us
• she loves books which is an answered prayer b/c i am not a book lover.
I could go on forever...she is just so much fun and we love every second with her. Best 9 months of my life!